How R U?

Short Video – Research through Design (2021)


Concept, Direction, Video Editing


So, how are you?
Are u also tired of answering with “fine, thank you, and you?”
An outcome of a research in which I attempted to offer a new way to communicate our feelings to others. Can you get a sense of what people in this video feel, by looking at their faces and body movements?

Sharing our feelings helps to establish an emphatic connection with others, yet words are sometimes hard to find, or reveal more than we want to. We communicate naturally through body language, before we learn how to speak. Bodily responses like facial expressions, muscle tension, and so on are connected with our mood and emotions and provide a lot of information to others.


Concept and Video Editing
Maayan Reiter

Patrick Patrikios – Crazy

Nayana Estelle Chai Terri Tim Inbar Klemens Lena Sabine Ilana Pin-Chen Bettina Martina Stanislaus Stefan Bryce Karoline Rotem Nhat Ha Andrew Steven Itamar Olivia Sophie Moran Lital Ohad Constanza Paula Nomi Netta Gat Alessandro Yohei Alejandro Anne Kristin Margherita Davina Hayato Jannis Toni Ceren Charlotte

Köln International School of Design
Intermediate Project Supervised by Prof. Michael Gais


Funded by Ministry for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW) as an artist grant within the framework of the NRW Corona aid

Behind the Process