Let me Sleep!

by Maayan Reiter


Dance-theater Performance

Fünfzehnminuten Festival | Studiobühne Köln | Cologne | Germany | 2018

Crazy Monday | ehrenfeldstudios | Cologne | Germany | 2016

ART SPACE stift millstatt | Millstatt | Austria | 2016



“Where are you from? how old are you? are you married? what do you do for a living?
can you make money out of that?”

Judgments we hear from others or our own self-criticizing thoughts are brought to the stage in the form of a mosquito.


Choreography & Performance
Maayan Reiter

Special thanks
Andrea K. Schlehwein
Tim Behren

Ingo Solms
Nina Hader

Best Coast – When I’m With You
Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Mosquito
Mirrorshades – The Date

15 minutes

Coproduced by büro für tanz I theater I produktionen @ART SPACE stift millstatt
Was also made possible thanks to ehrenfeldstudios in Cologne

Behind the Process

The first research phase of “Let me Sleep!” started at a residency @ ART SPACE stift millstatt, in Austria in 2016. A short outcome was performed at ‘in-formell’ – a series for contemporary dance curated by Andrea K. Schlehwein.