
by Charlotte Triebus


Choreographic Installation and Performance

NRW Forum | Düsseldorf | Germany | 2020-2021


Spheres (2021) is a choreographic installation on the interface of intimacy, communication and artificial intelligence, which lets three performers, 5 intelligent spheres and visitors interact in a museum space. The communication between humans and technology is focused as well as the question of how movement in different bodies is transformed through interaction, rapprochement and chance. During the piece, the dancers dance and interact with the spherical robots for over 20 minutes. The result is a dance, an exploration of bodies, communication and agency.


Choreography, Concept, Lead
Charlotte Triebus

Aaron Samuel Davis
Esther Siddiquie
Maayan Reiter
Yurika Sophie Yamamoto
Juan Corres Benito

Reut Shemesh

Mirevi Lab (HSD)

Project Management
Charlotte Triebus

Scientific Consultation And Technical Coordination
Christian Geiger

Technical Lead
Alexander Giesbrecht
Christoph Vogel

Software Development
Naoto Hieda

Technical Implementation
Daniel Trabitzsch
Fabian Büntig
Sven Heinen

Hardware Development
Tennagels Medientechnik, Marco Strobel, MIREVI (HSD)

Financial Management
Ivana Druzetic

Video Production

Kristof Schloesser

Jonas Becker

Ivana Druzetic
Wassilios Nikitakis

Spheres is a joint project of MIREVI (HSD) and Charlotte Triebus, funded by Kunststiftung NRW, E.ON Stiftung, BMBF (Gina), the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of NRW (MARTA, Distel), Tennagels Medientechnik and NRW Forum.

Behind the Process